Special Issue: World Mental Health Day 2021
Vol. 5 No. 1 (2022)Special Issue is requested by World Federation for Mental Health
Special Issue Editor - Professor Gabriel Ivbijaro
António Manuel de Oliveira Guterres
United Nations Secretary GeneralA Call to Action for World Mental Health Day 2021
SECTION A | A message from the president
Ingrid Daniels
President’s foreword
SECTION B | Introduction
Dévora Kestel
Mental health care for all: let’s make it a reality
Gabriel Ivbijaro
Mental health in an unequal world: Together we can make a difference
SECTION C International Organisations – together we can make a difference
Benjamin Perks, Cornelius Williams, Zeinab Hijazi, Emma Ferguson
Why child and adolescent mental health should be on all our minds
International Committee of the Red Cross
The International Committee of the Red Cross. Mental Health and Psychosocial Support
ApproachNGO’S making a difference
Ingrid Daniels, Johannes John-Langba
Delivering Mental Health in an Unequal World – Making NGO’s Matter
Claire Brooks, Kelly Davis, Kathryn Goetzke, Enoch Li, Gill Trevor
Delivering Mental Health in an Unequal World - Making NGO’s Matter – Some case
examplesSchools, colleges and education – together we can make a difference
Zahir Irani
Supporting young people and promoting their self-esteem during the covid 19 pandemic
Marc M.H. Hermans, Christopher Dowrick, Linda Gask, Mohan Isaac, Norman Sartorius
Making medical students and doctor training relevant to delivering mental health in
an unequal worldChristos Lionis, Sandra Fortes, Alfredo de Oliveira Neto, Tamica Daniels-Williamson, Abdullah al-Khatami, Kim Strong Griswold, Christopher Dowrick
Realising the Astana Declaration and mental health in an unequal world - the role of
family doctorsLeave no-one behind
David Crepaz-Keay
The role of lived experience in tackling inequalities and improving mental health in
mental health services and beyondDebanjan Banerjee, Gabriel Ivbijaro, Carlos Augusto de Mendonca Lima, Kiran Rabheru
Human Rights and Mental Health Inequality among older persons: Urgent need for a
global conventionCrick Lund, Sumaiyah Docrat, Donela Besada
Mental Health Financing in Africa: Building resources to overcome historical inequalities
Adrian James, Mohammed Al-Uzri, Agnes Raboczki
Redesigning Community Psychiatry to rise to the challenge of mental health delivery
in an unequal worldAfzal Javed
The World Psychiatric Association 2020-23 Action Plan
Vishanth Weerakkody, Gabriel Ivbijaro, Lucja Kolkiewicz, Aliki Karapliagkou, Amizan Omar
Mental Health in an Unequal World: – Digital Transformation – Leaving No-one Behind
Sarah Kline, Maximilien Zimmermann, Alberto Vasquez, Ann Willhoite
Sustaining the Political Momentum on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support
SECTION D | Regional Position Statements
Asia PacificRoy Abraham Kallivayalil, Debanjan Banerjee, Hariprasad Ganapathy Vijayakumar, Shu-Jen
Lu“In search for the missing link”: Equality and Equity in mental healthcare in the
Ingrid Daniels, Johannes John-Langba, Michael Kariuki, Charlene Sunkel
Tackling Social and Health Inequalities to Promote Mental Well-being – A Call to
ActionNorth America
Gerard Hutchinson
Introduction Mental Health in an Unequal World- the case of Latin America and the
CaribbeanAndres J. Pumariega
Pediatric Racial/Ethnic Mental Health Disparities in North America
Eastern Mediterranean
Wafaa El Sawy, Suhaila Ghuloum, Unaiza Niaz, Jasmeen Ul-Haque, Nisreen Abdel Latif,
Nasser Loza, Khalid SaeedUrgent action needed to scale-up mental health services in an unequal world
Roberto Mezzina, SP Sashidharan
Socioeconomic Inequalities and mental health - proposed actions.
The European perspectiveSECTION E | Thanks
Gabriel Ivbijaro MBE JP
Special Issue - MHGC Proceeding - 2020
Vol. 3 No. 2 (2020)MHGC Proceeding - 2020
IV International Conference on Mental Health Care "Mental Health: global challenges of XXI century"
MHGCJ-2019 Issue 2
Vol. 2 No. 2 (2019) -
MHGCJ-2019 Issue 1
Vol. 2 No. 1 (2019)DOI:
SPECIAL ISSUE “Ukraine and global processes in the area of Mental Health”
“Ukraine and global processes in the area of Mental Health”
Requested by:
Bogomolets National Medical University (Department of clinical psychology, psychosomatic and psychotherapy)
National University Lviv Politechnic (Institute of Social and Humanitarian Sciences)
Field of study and special focus
Mental Health, Medicine, Psychology, Sociology, Social work, Social Sciences, Education, Economics, Law, Inter- and Transdisciplinary studies
Vol. 1 No. 1 (2018)ISBN: 978-1-100001-12-1