Aims and Scope
Mental Health: Global Challenges Journal is an open access, peer-reviewed journal, with the primary aim of promoting thought, dialogue, and debate on topics related to mental health. Mental health is an issue and a reality of major global concern, though it is often left to the margins as a topic of conversation. With one of the major aims to challenge and break the stigma of mental health, whilst promoting better health and health care, this journal has a general focus on mental health, mental health care systems, approaches to better mental health, mental health challenges for individuals, families, and groups in different cultures and contexts, mental health and trauma, and mental health and conflict, amongst other related aspects.
More specifically, Mental Health: Global Challenges Journal is a journal dedicated to studies of international interest related to mental health and mental health care systems in the global context of social challenges. Therefore, we encourage papers which focus on a variety of topics related to this complex issue. Some examples are as follows: the impact of stigma on mental health and mental health care, mental health and migration, mental health in the time of military conflicts, mental health post conflict, mental health in the workplace, mental health and gender, societal attitudes and approaches to mental health, higher education and mental health care, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches to mental health, cultural and cross-cultural challenges related to mental health and related topics. The journal especially encourages manuscripts which may be of interest to policy makers and/or practitioners.
The journal accepts high quality English language manuscripts in the form of empirical research studies, case studies, theoretical articles, reviews, and some extended abstracts
National Information Standards Organization (NISO), and International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE)
The Mental Health: Global Challenges Journal is an important source of current and emerging trends in mental health research: challenges, issues, and responses. The journal disseminates articles of scientific and practical importance to a wide, international community of mental health care and related academics and professionals. All articles published in the journal will have been blind peer reviewed by leading specialists in the field.
The authors’ names and the article titles have been indexed by international scientific databases - Google Scholar etc, which increases the writer’s citation index – a marker of the scientific activity.
Indexing and Abstracting: Elsevier – Scopus, ERIHPlus, DOAJI, EBSCO, ProQuest, Baidu Scholar, CNKI Scholar (China National Knowledge Infrastructure), ExLibris, J-Gate, KESLI-NDSL (Korean National Discovery for Science Leaders), MyScienceWork, Naver Academic, Semantic Scholar, BASE, CORE, ResearchBib, Google Scholar, Scilit (Scientific Literature), SIS (Scientific Indexing Services), CiteFactor (Academic Scientific Journals), EuroPub, Hinari, WorldCat,