Peer review process
The Mental Health Global Challenges Journal follows the recommendations and core practices of:
- Committee on Publication Ethics(COPE,
- Committee on Publication Ethics Guidelines for Peer Reviewers (
- ICMJE Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals
which provides a comprehensive guide to the ethics of peer review.
- The Editorial Office will immediately screen all manuscripts (main text without author(s) information) submitted for publication in Mental Health: Global Challenges Journal. Those manuscripts which fail to reach the minimal technical requirements, aims and scope, scientific standards of the journal will not be send out for further review
- If submitted manuscripts meet the Journal’s technical and scientific requirements the Editorial Office will assign external reviewers for these manuscripts.
- Editorial Board members and Reviewers should generally not communicate directly with the authors. All necessary information regarding the progress of the peer review can be obtained from the Editorial Office.
- The Reviewer's responsibilities are described in Roles and Responsibilities. The MHGCJ Manuscript Evaluation Form is available to download for reviewers here
- All Reviewers are asked to declare any competing interests they may have in reviewing a manuscript.
- The Mental Health Global Challenges Journal follows a double-blinded process of peer review. The manuscript is reviewed anonymously by two external specialists in the field of mental health. The names of reviewers will not be made available to authors; and names of authors will not be made available to reviewers.
- Manuscripts will be reviewed with due respect for authors’ and reviewers’ confidentiality. Our Editors and Reviewers have been instructed to not disclose information about manuscripts (including their receipt, content, status in the reviewing process, criticism by reviewers, or ultimate fate) to anyone other than the authors and reviewers. Reviewers and Editors may not make copies of the manuscript for their files and will not share it with others, except with the author’s written permission. Reviewers should return or destroy copies of manuscripts after submitting reviews.
- Once reviewer reports have been received, authors are given 3-4 weeks to revise the manuscript.
- If on receiving the editorial decision concerning their manuscript authors are not satisfied they are invited to appeal to the Editorial Office. In cases in which this is considered appropriate a second opinion on the manuscript will be requested.
- The revised manuscript and approved by reviewers, will be considered for publication by Editorial Board Council. Editor-in-Chief is responsible for the final decision.
List of reviewers
- Prof. David Luigi Fuschi, Coventry University, London, UK
- Dr. Sarju Sing Rai, Global Health, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Prof. Cosmin Salasan, West University of Timișoara, Romania
- Xiangfang Zhao, Tianjin Rehabilitation Recuperate Center of Chinese PLA
- Dr. Li Xie, Division of Life Sciences and Medicine, University of Science and Technology, China
- Dr. Kevin De Sabbata, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Dr. Yulia Shutyak, Ph.D, Senior Researcher, Krug-Associates, Brussels, Belgium
- Dr. Hamaidia Ali, Mohamed Lamine Debaghine Setif-2 University, Setif, Algeria
- Prof. Oksana Kononenko, Odessa I.I.Mechnikov National University, Odessa, Ukraine
- Dr. Udayan Bhaumik, Pramukhswami Medical College: Anand, Gujarat, India
- Dr. Tetyana Danilova, Department of Psychology and Social Work, National University of Life and Environmental Science of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
- Dr. Iryna Romash, Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine
- Minhazur Rahman Rezvi, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
- Dr. Badri Narayanan Gopalakrishnan, University of Washington Seattle, USA
- Dr. Ruth Peters, Vrije University, Netherlands
- Dr. Rasha Abelrahman, Mohamed Lamine Debaghine Setif-2 University, Setif, Algeria
- Dr. Belarbi Djemoui, Universite de Mohamed Lamine Debaghine-Setif-2, Setif, Algeria
- Dr. Vera Romanova, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine
- Dr. Dimitrios Moysidis, Faculty of Medicine, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece
- Dr. Athanasios Alexiou, Novel Global Community Education Foundation, Australia