Roles & Responsibilities
Reviewer and Editorial Board Responsibilities
Mental Health Global Challenges Journal is following practicies of Council of Scientific Editors (CSE),
National Information Standards Organization (NISO), and International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE)
Editorial board responsibilities:
To be in communication with Editor-in-Chief to further develop the journal (style suggestions, authorship criteria etc.)
To take part in Editorial Board Council
Provide guidelines to authors for preparing and submitting manuscripts
Protect the confidentiality of every author’s work
Clearly communicate all other editorial policies and standards
Reviewer responsibilities:
As part of the MHGCJ review team, you will be asked to:
Provide your ORCHID ID and register with Publons.
Review up to 3 papers per year.
Protect the confidentiality of every author’s work.
Be punctual in delivering the review up to the agreed date.
Check the quality of the paper, relevance and appropriateness for the journal.
Advise on structure and format and make sure authors follow the appropriate referencing style
If you are unable to review within the pre-defined time scale please communicate immediately with the Editorial Office.
If you are unable to review due to relevance of the content to your expertise, please communicate immediately with the Editorial Office.
If you are unable to review due to conflict of interest (full, partial or potential) please communicate immediately with the Editorial Office.
Editorial policy
Papers (main text without author(s) information) will be reviewed (blind peer-review) by two external experts - reviewers. The author/s and reviewers must have no conflicts of interest and will respect the confidentiality of the content of the paper and its data. The Editorial Board Council and Editor-in-Chief are responsible for final decision.