Exploring Nursing Students' Attitudes Toward Transgender Individuals and Dehumanization of Transgender People: The Role of Psychological Characteristics





mental health, Psychological Characteristics, Empathy, Attitudes, Nursing Students, Dehumanization, Transgender People


?introduction: The discrimination and dehumanization faced by transgender people is particularly intense, both at the societal level and in health services.

Purpose: To examine nursing students' attitudes toward transgender individuals and to explore the role of empathy, demographic characteristics, and personality traits in shaping these attitudes. Additionally, to weigh and culturally adapt the Genderism and Transphobia Scale.

Methodology: A cross-sectional study was conducted with a sample of two Universities, in Nursing Departments, with data collection via an anonymous questionnaire that included demographics, the Genderism and Transphobia Scale, the Ten-Item Personality Inventory, the Toronto Empathy Scale, and other tools to assess dehumanization. Data were analyzed with descriptive and inductive statistics, and the significance level was set at 0.05.

Results: The results showed that the absence of empathy is associated with higher levels of prejudice and dehumanization. Mean values ??for the Transphobia/Genderism category were higher for males (75,831, SD = 36,337) compared to females (51,641, SD = 26,560) and for non-binary individuals (32,000, SD = 5,715), with statistically significant differences (p < 0.001). Empathy (TEQ) had a negative correlation with dehumanization (r = -0.415, p < 0.001) and transphobia (r = -0.480, p < 0.001). Openness to Experience was negatively correlated with transphobia (r = -0.337, p < 0.001). Linear regression models showed that empathy (? = -3.045, p < 0.001) and Openness to Experience (? = -4.070, p < 0.001) explain 34% of the variability in Transphobia/Genderism (R² = 34%).

Conclusions: Enhancing empathy and incorporating inclusive education into nursing curricula can help reduce dehumanization and prejudice against transgender people


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How to Cite

Fradelos, E. ., Bakalis, V., Toska, A. ., Saridi, M., Kaba, E., Tzavella, F., & Souliotis, K. . (2025). Exploring Nursing Students’ Attitudes Toward Transgender Individuals and Dehumanization of Transgender People: The Role of Psychological Characteristics. Mental Health: Global Challenges Journal, 8(1), 2–13. https://doi.org/10.56508/mhgcj.v8i1.252

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