“Best Before”: On Women, Ageism, and Mental Health





intersectionality, social exclusion, identity, sexuality, inequity, multiple discrimination, youthfulness, beauty standards, wellbeing, mental health, age stereotypes, gendered ageism, women over 40


Introduction: Our world has changed over the last decades, and one of the dramatic changes has been the increase in human life expectancy. Due to important life-saving breakthroughs, the current life expectancy for the world in 2024 is 73.33 years; and female global life expectancy is 76.0 years. This trend manifests one of the greatest achievements of human society, which, however, reveals issues that humanity has yet to address. One of them is the place and role of women over 40 in modern society.

Purpose: This paper aims to unveil gendered ageism and to identify its negative impact on women’s mental health.

Methodology: We conducted a systematic search in the main electronic databases, such as PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar.  Relevant studies were identified using search terms: women over 40, aging, gendered ageism, mental health, wellbeing, beauty standards, youthfulness, age stereotypes, multiple discrimination, inequity, identity, sexuality, social exclusion, intersectionality. The authors used phenomenological philosophical, hermeneutic, and inductive approaches, as well as the interpretive research paradigm.

Review and Discussion: Constant anxiety about aging, attempts to turn back time, desperate cosmetic battles that women are involved in are far from just a tribute to fashion or female vanity, but also an attempt to come out of the shadows, to overcome the boundaries of female limited space, and to make a woman visible. However, women’s grand entrance onto the big stage faces gendered ageism that forces women over 40 feel excluded in society and life by making them invisible. Despite certain changes in public consciousness over the role of women in society, we still live in a men’s world. The centuries-old subordination of women to men, cultural ideas about the “perfect” female face, body, age, weight, compliance with which is a “pass” to the world of success, or, according to evolutionary psychologists, a “mechanism” that promotes survival, crystallize in various disorders, thereby undermining women’s mental health, downplaying the value of wisdom, knowledge and life experience, and eroding women’s self-esteem.

Conclusion: Aging is a natural and inevitable process, and old age is a significant part of life, which can be filled with joy, achievements of small and big goals, dissemination of accumulated experience and wisdom. Unfortunately, these wonderful aspirations are hindered by ageism – one of the last socially acceptable prejudices. Inducing age stereotypes and perpetuating internalized ageism, our social environment maintains discrimination of women over 40 in workplace, social settings, and private sphere that has detrimental consequences for women’s mental and physical health. Therefore, combating ageism and sexism and eliminating age discrimination is essential to support older women’s health and wellbeing. Both women and men share the responsibility to progress towards true equity that will help women around the world achieve success on their own terms and reach their full potential. Life journey of every woman is a way of self-discovery and self-development, in which the various aspects of a woman’s personality come together to create unique integrity of body, mind, and spirit. To fully realize the potential of half of humanity, it is necessary to dismantle the systems that maintain inequities, as well as to raise up and empower women of all ages, colors, abilities to assert themselves and be respected in both public and private spheres, to accept reality and move on, to feel comfortable and confident in their own skin, to do wonders for everyone on our planet, and to know that every woman matters.


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How to Cite

Danylova, T., Ilchuk, S. ., Storozhuk, S. ., Poperechna, G. ., Hoian, I. ., Kryvda, N. ., & Matviienko, I. . (2024). “Best Before”: On Women, Ageism, and Mental Health. Mental Health: Global Challenges Journal, 7(1), 81–94. https://doi.org/10.56508/mhgcj.v7i1.220


